Under the Rubble by morpurgo

Oct 19, 2024

A few days ago, an Indiana-based musician - who happens to be one of my dear friends - released their debut EP. It's a short 16 minutes, but not a single one is wasted. From the emotion-evoking lyrics to the production of each instrument, these tracks will make you dance and feel and think. I'm impressed by this EP, and so very excited to see what's next for this up and coming artist.

Here's my song-by-song review! This is my first time writing something like this, but as long as your takeaway is that I adore morpurgo and this EP then we're golden.


This was released as a single, so I've already listened to it. However, the experience of it through headphones was wonderful. It's so driving with the beat and the guitar. This one makes you want to nod/dance along to it until the end.

2: it'll be a long time

The guitar parts in this immediately caught my attention. They're gorgeous! Morpurgo's vocals are raw and real in this one and throughout the project, and they make you feel. I love the layering of them at 2:20.


This one reminds me of the music my parents used to listen to during my childhood. Like 90s-2000s rock. Very powerful, especially those yelling parts my GOD. The riffs in this also go absolutely insane. Probably my favorite track off this EP. I want this on every single playlist I listen to.

4: formaldehyde

Oh the effects on the vocals in this one?? So fun! This one has a funky feel to it. Like it makes me want to groove to its beat. Again, the guitar goes crazy, but I'm not surprised there. Morpurgo is a talented guitarist as I've already seen.

I invite you to listen through this EP as well as checking out their two singles they dropped before this! Amazing work here, and I hope to hear these songs live soon, universe willing.