Hi! Finally back with a new review, and this time it's for a book! No spoilers ahead, don't worry!
Ally Evenson is a musician I first learned about when they were on tour with Chloe Moriondo for Blood Bunny. I went to the Michigan show on that tour, and Ally opened for Chloe. It was a last minute acoustic set, but it was so good. The person I went with and I both followed her on Spotify and Instagram immediately after the concert. I personally didn't listen to more than a couple songs after that (I'm bad at listening to new music). However, I've heard some snippets of this album on Ally's Instagram, and I'm so excited to finally have this album in full.
In preparation for the new Ethel Cain release, I've decided to listen to as much of Hayden's music that's online as I can beforehand. I fell in love with Preacher's Daughter when I heard it for the first time a couple months ago. Everything I've heard of hers so far I've loved, so here's my thoughts for my first time hearing Golden Age by Ethel Cain.
I recently started this Becky Chambers novel, and I read it faster than anything I've read in a while. It's a short read, but that makes it no less amazing. I loved every moment of this, even if I was confused a little at the beginning. It's sci-fi/fantasy, that's to be expected. (This review will be spoiler free!)
A few days ago, an Indiana-based musician - who happens to be one of my dear friends - released their debut EP. It's a short 16 minutes, but not a single one is wasted. From the emotion-evoking lyrics to the production of each instrument, these tracks will make you dance and feel and think. I'm impressed by this EP, and so very excited to see what's next for this up and coming artist.